Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Good Grief

I got Alice down earlier than ever for bed last night. She was in bed by 9:30 and asleep within fifteen minutes. Which is awesome because I was super tired myself. I was hoping she would sleep until at least 8 or 9. Well she woke up when Sean did around 7, and proceeded to run around for awhile before Sean put her back in bed with me a little before 8. I put Beauty and the Beast on and she fell back asleep shortly after. Then I had to get up and feed all the animals and get showered.

I woke her up a few minutes before we had to leave for my mom's. I dropped her off and went to PT. I normally was going at 1:30, but she typically is napping around then so I moved my appt to 11. I then picked her up (it took 45 minutes before she was ready to leave) and headed home for a nap. Well someone fell asleep in the car, so when we got home a bit before 1:30 she didn't want to nap. She FINALLY fell asleep about 4:30 and it is now after 6. I'm going to wake her up because she will never get to sleep tonight. I'm hoping she will be asleep by 11, but who knows if that will happen or not. At least I managed to get a bit of a nap.

Just when I think I'm getting her on a schedule, she throws me a curveball. Good grief, kid!


HereWeGoAJen said...

Yikes. I'm telling you, the not napping is killing me here.

Danifred said...

We missed a nap yesterday and we're still paying for it tonight. Little boogers.