Monday, March 14, 2011


I am deliriously tired, and am hoping to get more than a consecutive hour of sleep. I got about three hours of sleep, last night. In fact, I am so tired my eyes are crossing and this may not even be coherent.

Still no name. I'm going to sleep on it tonight. I do have some pictures :)


HereWeGoAJen said...

Gorgeous! He is absolutely adorable and looks so much like Alice.

Lisa said...

He is so adorable. Alice is so adorable with him. Get a name lady. :)

Carrie27 said...

Congrats!!! He is a definite cutie!

The Tompkins Family said...

Love the picture of all 3. Too precious!

Mrs. Z said...

So cute! Hope you get a little sleep tonight!

Bobi AKA Stacey said...

He looks like a Porter, Parker or an Alec. Those are the 3 names that popped into my head.

Very handsome!