Eliza Christine was born July 9, 2010 at 6:49pm. She weighed 6lbs and 18 3/4" long! She is tiny! Alice was WAY bigger.
She has a head of dark hair, and my brother's nose (oh dear! that was the first thing I noticed about her) I have a few pictures, but I'm on my phone so I will have to post them later.
She has had a bit of a rough start. There was meconium when my SIL's water broke, and Eliza's heart rate kept getting lower. Turns out the cord was wrapped around her neck. They also had to use suction to help get her out. And yesterday, they discovered she has jaundice. Poor baby! Thank God she is healthy! Now I am Aunt 1.0!
Congratulations Auntie!
Yeah! Congratulations, Auntie Sarah!
Now, get with the pictures. I mean, SERIOUSLY, between you and Lindsay you'd think I would have seen some pictures already.
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