Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Change of Plans

Alice and I were supposed to leave this morning, but we are still at home and in our pajamas. Don't worry. We are planning on leaving tomorrow. I just needed an extra day to get stuff done and rest. Alice appears to be over the diarrhea (hope and pray!), but I wanted to take an extra day to make sure. Plus, I have been run-down. Sore throat, cough, fatigue. And all I can take is Tylenol and Ricola throat drops. I am feeling better today. I took some selenium, zinc, and garlic last night. Oh, and a Tylenol PM. Nice sleep...even if I did wake up a bazillion times!

So we are leaving tomorrow. By 9am. I hope to leave earlier than that, but I won't be mad if we don't. Especially since I will be loading the car all on my own. Ugh! Two suitcases, a diaper bag, a bag of snacks/food/drinks, high chair, toys, books, clothes for my sister, stroller, and who knows what else!

Speaking of which, any advice for traveling two twelve hour days with a toddler? I figure we will be stopping every 2-2 1/2 hours for bathroom breaks, food, rest/stretching legs. Our first leg of our trip is about 9 hours...I'm figuring 12-13 hours.


HereWeGoAJen said...

Yes. When I did the eight hour drive to here, I left at four in the morning. It was totally worth it and more. I was exhausted, but Elizabeth slept for about the first half of the trip. And then it was only a four hour trip with a toddler.

Also, I printed out a bunch of pictures of Elizabeth and other babies and us and the dogs and put them in a little photo album. She spent a long time looking at those.

And a million snacks. And sugar, lots of sugar.

Lindsay said...

Elatedness abounds! My sissy & my elf! :o)

Danifred said...

I used to walk around the house and find the toys that no one played with anymore and stuff them in a bag. Then, one by one, I'd pull them out on the trip.
That, and snacks, lots of them!